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Building products for humans

Every need is an opportunity to change lives and solve problems.

Products that are close to my heart

An electronic Engineer with a profound heritage: “you exist to solve problems”, and my professional and entrepreneurial development and 9Y work experience makes me a Product Manager, being close to clients/users to understand needs and bring together Team opportunities.

I’m interested in helping companies to build, grow, and scale digital products with agile methodologies. To achieve products with prioritized efforts, impact, and constant value delivery. Building useful, building simple 

Absenteeism and turnover represent one of the most recurring problems in companies: they cost money and cause logistical and operational problems for the entire organization.

Personnel management and their productive time is an intangible asset that is worth optimizing, focusing results toward the reduction of absenteeism and turnover rates will translate into productivity, sustainability, and competitiveness.

Our solution was a personnel operational management platform that systemically understands attendance and absenteeism to have an economic impact in sustainable, productive, and well-being terms for collaborators.

With 3 main goals:

  1. Centralize and digitize information
  2. Indicate operational reality, Improving communication between the company and collaborator
  3. Save on absenteeism costs
tidzo report by Camilo Mendieta

This is how Tidzo was born: a B2B SaaS solution with a subscription income model based on the volume of users, with the Latin American market potential of 1.6 billion USD and more than 150MUSD in Colombia, focused on the programming of collaborators and the follow-up of productive time for the workforce, reducing chaos, costs, and turnover.


Juan Nicolas Rubiano

Nicolas Rubiano

Tech Manager @Itau

“…Absolutely fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”

Viany Solorzano

Viany Solorzano

Agile Project Manager @Fastcode

“… I had the opportunity to work with Camilo for approximately 2 years in a human management Startup, I really highlight his organization, commitment, and his remarkable ability to communicate efficiently, he is a great facilitator for developing products in agile environments!…”

Marcela Ruiz

Marcela Ruiz

UX Project Lead @Mercado Libre

“…Camilo is a person passionate about knowledge and full of ideas that he always seeks to share. During our experience as co-founders of Tidzo, I was able to discover that he is a natural leader who inspires the team to achieve its objectives. He is always open to listening to the perspective of others, valuing the knowledge of each team member in order to enhance results so that everyone can add value. From his role, he seeks to contribute through methodologies that help organize and prioritize the needs of each project. Working with Camilo is synonymous with learning, inspiration, and effectiveness!…”

Activities coordination and their correct execution in the field are essential for the success of any company. The difficulty to have a clear vision and unexpected outcomes produce operational chaos and a poor focus on outcomes.

It is possible to help collaborators in the field to have their information centralized through an organized and planned agenda, where they can jointly gather relevant information on their activities to feed a data analytics model.

Our solution was to build a suite of applications associated with defined organizational processes: sales, service orders, logistics, and delivery.

Our objective was to help the teams in the field to carry out their activities more efficiently while feeding the results of their activities into a data analytics model for managerial decision-making in order to optimize the operation.

MSC indicators by Camilo Mendieta

MobileSuitCase is a suite of applications with a SaaS B2B subscription model that was deployed in Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, San Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala, where its main achievement was to be the commercial application for the entire Claro MΓ³vil operation in the region.


Jimmy Saenz

Jimmy Saenz

Mobile Developer @SOSAFE

“…Camilo has stood out for his extremely proactive, honest, and committed attitude. He is capable of performing in the product, business, and engineering issues with great versatility, which facilitates agile and efficient teamwork..”

Blanca Castillo

Blanca Castillo

Major Account Exc @Transunion

“… I love this team! They did fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”

David Lizarazo

David Lizarazo

Data Scientist @Overlap

“…I have had the opportunity to work with Camilo and I can say that he is a very human person, with a great hunger for knowledge and skills in all aspects of the product.

If I had to highlight some of the main skills that I have seen in Camilo, I would surely highlight his order and clarity, analytical thinking, active listening, and ability to understand the needs of a client-focused and people-focused project…”

Check my: Projects β€“ Agile Experience